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Advanced Large, Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical Survey[http://alhambrasurvey.com/]
Advanced Large, Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical Survey[http://alhambrasurvey.com/]

*8个天区 北天(和一些知名天区有重合,如[[DEEP2]],[[COSMOS]],[[GOODS-N]],[[AEGIS]]),每个天区约0.3平方度,共2.4平方度,48个子天区
*望远镜:3.5 m de Calar Alto 西班牙
magnitude limits (for a total of 100 ks integration time per pointing) of AB <= 25 mag (for anunresolved object, signal-to-noise ratio = 5) in the optical filtersfrom the blue to 8300 Å, and from AB = 24.7 to 23.4 for the redderones. The limit in the NIR, for a total of 15 ks exposure time perpointing, is (in the Vega system) Ks ≈ 20 mag, H≈ 21mag, J≈ 22 mag.

2014年9月4日 (四) 08:45的版本

Advanced Large, Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical Survey[1]

  • 20个中带(300A)波段,3500-9700A
  • 3个近红外波段J,H,K
  • 8个天区 北天(和一些知名天区有重合,如DEEP2COSMOSGOODS-N,AEGIS),每个天区约0.3平方度,共2.4平方度,48个子天区
  • 望远镜:3.5 m de Calar Alto 西班牙
  • CCD,0.22arcsec/pixel
magnitude limits (for a total of 100 ks integration time per pointing) of AB <= 25 mag (for anunresolved object, signal-to-noise ratio = 5) in the optical filtersfrom the blue to 8300 Å, and from AB = 24.7 to 23.4 for the redderones. The limit in the NIR, for a total of 15 ks exposure time perpointing, is (in the Vega system) Ks ≈ 20 mag, H≈ 21mag, J≈ 22 mag.