
来自Shiyin's note
Shen讨论 | 贡献2016年6月7日 (二) 12:11的版本 →‎委婉表达
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  • A description of the relevant processes and related parameters is given below.
give descriptions of 不用 make descriptions on
  • Although ... is the result of a complex interplay among a variety of different physical processes, we can still capture some basic trends.
  • Effectively, the ... can be considered as a free parameter.
  • iterating back and forth between solving for the per-star and global parameters until converged.
  • Equation 1 is vulnerable to outliers.
  • Fig.1 is a collection of 3 panels. The top, left panel reports the ..relation, as labelled for ...
  • For the rest of the paper we will mainly focus our attention on...
  • In order to.., we take advantage of ..
  • The error on the median is computed by dividing the 1 sigma uncertainty of the same distribution by the square root of the number of galaxies in that bin.
  • There are several general noteworthy features in Fig. 1.
  • This procedure is essentially a weighted principal component analysis (PCA), with separate weights (σ−2) for each ob-procedure is essentially a weighted principal component analysis (PCA).
  • can be found in *** (不要用seen)
  • For convenience in the following discussion
  • Finally, we provide short discussions...
  • It has already been pointed out....
  • Overall, IMF observations have not yet converged to a single view
  • Our aim is to figure out...
  • We will anyway discuss ** where relevant.
  • We discuss whether there are other possibilities other than ..
  • We will discuss a realization of the * model with the identical prescriptions as the one just described by with no..
  • We will anyhow briefly discuss * in Appendix.
  • We have so far identified several physical effects which can cause a variation
  • We conclude the section by emphasizing that even if ...
  • We investigate the location of X-ray selected sample with respect to main sequence star-forming galaxies using the SFR from where the AGN contamination has been removed.


  • The comparison is consistent but inconclusive.
  • verifying a tentative detection presented in an earlier study.
  • The ubiquity of Lyman-alpha in this sample is puzzling given that
  • we have initiated a campaign to target U


  • act as a useful supplement in ... studies
  • assume to be, find to be, expect sth to do
  • as detailed below/In the following/ To start off with
  • constant scatter of 0.5 in the distribution of
  • in line with what assumed by
  • introduce bias into ...
  • it is not trivial 不可忽视的,重要的 it becomes non-trivial to ...
  • making them ideal,complementary tools for studies such as the one undertaken here.
  • marked by dotted line
  • may be prone to 倾向于
  • plalying a significant role in shaping...
  • provide useful additional physical insights
  • the sum of A plus B
  • A decreases with a decrease of B
  • A is defined as those (不是these)
  • this model yields a good fitting to the observations


  • starburst 不是 star burst
  • timescale 不是 time scale
  • online 不是on-line