Diffuse ionized gas

来自Shiyin's note
Shen讨论 | 贡献2024年7月22日 (一) 01:26的版本
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  • DIG可以用Ha的等值宽度来做判据,EW(Ha)双峰分布
  • arXiv1907.08635:讨论了DIG对金属丰度测量的影响


  • Referred to as the Reynolds layer, or warm ionized medium (WIM);
  • This warm (10^4 K), diffuse (n ~ 0.2 cm~3) gas fills 20% of the disk volume and accounts for most of the mass of ionized gas(90 percent).
  • 电子密度比 hot gas要高一点( Typical values of the central electron density, central cooling time and total mass for the ETGs are ~ 0.1cm−3, ~ 5 x 10^6 yr and 5 x 1O^9 M⊙)
  • In terms of energetics, the Galactic WIM requires at least 10^42 ergs s~1 to remain ionized. This power is more than can be comfortably supplied by supernova shocks, but significantly less than the Lyman continuum luminosity of massive stars.
  • [1]