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Shen讨论 | 贡献2014年9月9日 (二) 14:22的版本
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Shen, Shiyin

Nandan Road, 80 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200030
Office Phone: 0086-21-34775303

Personal Information

Born: Dec. 25, 1977
Sex: Male Marital
Status: Married


  • B.S., Applied Chemistry,1998, ChongQing University
  • Ph.D., Astrophysics, 2004, Graduated university of CAS
Mar. 2001 - Aug. 2003, Max-Planck Institute of Astrophysics, Exchange student

Professional Experience

  • Aug. 2003 – Aug. 2004, Max-Planck Institute of Astrophysics, Post doctor
  • Sep. 2004 – so far, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, assistant professor, associate professor, professor