About Me
Prof. Dr. Shiyin Shen
- Vice director of the Research Center of the Galaxy and Cosmology ;
- Deputy leader of the research group Star cluster and Galactic Structure;
Research Fields
galaxy astronomy
- statistical porperties of galaxies and AGNs
X-ray astronomy
- image stacking technic; QSO, clusters of galaxies
LAMOST extragalactic survey
- Suvey Strategy, input source catalog
- South galactic Cap U-band Sky Suvey ([1])
Research highlights
Statsitical properties of galaxies
- The statistical nature of the brightest group galaxies [2]
- The size distruibution of galaxies [3]
- The Tully-Fisher relation of Spiral galaxies
- The inclination of spiral galaxies
- inclination dependence luminosity function of spiral galaxies: implications on the dust attenuation of galaxies.[6]
- inclination of the host spirals of type II AGNs: implications on the nuclear obscurer of the AGNs.[7]
X-ray Astronomy
- Soft X-ray properties of QSOs[8]
- X-ray properties of clusters of galaxies
- X-ray luminosities of optically selected clusters of galaxies[9], and correlations with radio-loud AGN[10]
- [http://cluster.shao.ac.cn/~shen/PhD/THESIS.pdf%7C My Ph.D thesis: (The statsical study of the size distribution of galaxies, Chinese)