
来自Shiyin's note
Shen讨论 | 贡献2017年8月22日 (二) 07:53的版本
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>>> hdulist ='input.fits')
  • each element of an HDUList is an HDU object with .header and .data attributes, which can be used to access the header and data portions of the HDU.
>>> hdulist[0].header['targname']
  • To see the entire header as it appears in the FITS file (with the END card and padding stripped), simply enter the header object by itself, or print(repr(header)):
  • It’s also possible to view a slice of the header:
>>> header[:2]
  • Another way to either update an existing card or append a new one is to use the Header.set() method:
>>> prihdr.set('observer', 'Edwin Hubble')