>>> from scipy.integrate import quad >>> def integrand(x, a, b): ... return a*x**2 + b >>> a = 2 >>> b = 1 >>> I = quad(integrand, 0, 1, args=(a,b))
- Methods based on conjugate gradient are named with ‘cg’ in scipy. The simple conjugate gradient method to minimize a function is scipy.optimize.fmin_cg():
- n scipy, scipy.optimize.fmin() implements the Nelder-Mead approach: (不太依赖于倒数)
- Brute force: a grid search
- scipy.optimize.brute() evaluates the function on a given grid of parameters and returns the parameters corresponding to the minimum value.The parameters are specified with ranges given to numpy.mgrid. By default, 20 steps are taken in each direction:
- Non-linear least squares: Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm implemented in scipy.optimize.leastsq().
- If the function is linear, this is a linear-algebra problem, and should be solved with scipy.linalg.lstsq().
# Some test data x = np.arange(200).reshape((4,5,10)) # Specify the filename of the .mat file matfile = 'test_mat.mat' # Write the array to the mat file. For this to work, the array must be the value # corresponding to a key name of your choice in a dictionary, mdict={'out': x}, oned_as='row')
# For the above line, I specified the kwarg oned_as since python (2.7 with # numpy 1.6.1) throws a FutureWarning. Here, this isn't really necessary # since oned_as is a kwarg for dealing with 1-D arrays. # Now load in the data from the .mat that was just saved matdata = # And just to check if the data is the same: assert np.all(x == matdata['out'])