Galaxy Merge
来自Shiyin's note
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- 'Identikit' software (Barnes & Hibbard 2009) : merge的状态
- 星系的次并合对spin的影响不大,主并合又分两种情况[1]、
- fast rotator : 质量较小的merge,气体较多,merge之后可以重新获得气体和恒星,从而获得spin
- slow rotator: 质量较大的merge,气体少,并合消耗spin,因而最终是slow rotator
- streams are a strong indication of nearly circular infall of a satellite (with a large angular momentum), whereas the appearance of shells clearly points to (nearly) radial satellite infall. [2]
- 质量比小于1:10
- mini mergers can increase the size of the host disc significantly without changing the global shape of the galaxy, if the impact occurs along the disk plane, providing a possible explanation for extended low-surface brightness disks reported from observations [3]
galaxy pair
- 大星系周围的非常close的satellite计数 [4]
- If the satellites eventually infall into the host galaxies, the merger channel will be largely dominated by satellites with a mass ratio down to 1:10,(as these objects have 68 per cent of the total mass in satellites).
- HI轮廓的非对称性 arXiv:1907.09877
- 运动学上的非对称性,CALIFA的数据 [5]