Undefined variable script

来自Shiyin's note
Shen讨论 | 贡献2013年12月18日 (三) 11:14的版本
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first file (excutable):

echo 'this is tete'
echo $hi
echo 'OK!'

run it and it prints:

this is tete

second file (excutable):

echo 'this is tete'
echo $hi
echo 'OK!'

run it and it prints:

this is tete
hi: Undefined variable. 

Because 1st file have no "#"/"#!/bin/sh"/"#!/bin/csh" on the first line, in most of the linux distributions, the default interpreter of a script is /bin/sh if it is not specified, and /bin/sh DOES NOT think an undefined variable is a problem! "#" will call csh, and print the problem.